




Rev Up Your Buying Game: The Ultimate Car Shopping Companion!

A new car is second only to a home as the most expensive purchase many consumers make. That's why knowing how to make an intelligent deal is essential.


做一些调查. Think about what car model and options you want and how much you will spend. You'll be less likely to feel pressured into making a hasty or expensive decision at the showroom and more likely to get a better deal.


  • Check publications online or at a library or bookstore discussing new car features and prices. These may provide information on the dealer's costs for specific models and options.

  • Shop by comparing models and prices in ads and dealer showrooms to get the best possible price. You also may want to contact your credit union or a car-buying service to make comparisons.

  • 计划就价格进行谈判. Dealers may be willing to bargain on their profit margin, often between 10 and 20 percent. 通常, this is the difference between the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) and the invoice price.

  • Because the price is a factor in the dealer's calculations regardless of whether you pay cash or finance your car - and also affects your monthly payments - negotiating the price can save you money.

  • Consider ordering your new car if you don't see what you want on the dealer's lot. 这可能会导致延迟, 但停车场上的汽车可能有你不想要的选择, 哪个可以提高价格. 然而, 经销商通常希望迅速出售现有库存, so you may be able to negotiate a good deal if an in-stock car meets your needs.


谈判通常有自己的词汇. Here are some terms you may hear when you're talking price.

  • 发票价格 制造商的初始费用是否由经销商承担. This is usually higher than the dealer's final cost because dealers receive rebates, 津贴, 折扣, 以及激励奖励. Generally, the invoice price should include freight (destination and delivery). If you're buying a car based on the invoice price (for example, “在发票,”“比发票少了100美元," "two percent above invoice") and if freight is already included, 确保在销售合同中不要再加上运费.

  • 底价 is the cost of the car without options but includes standard equipment and factory warranty. 这个价格印在钞票贴纸上.

  • 货币标价 显示基本价格, the manufacturer's installed options with the manufacturer's suggested retail price, 运输费用, 燃油经济性(里程). 贴在车窗上, this label is required by federal law and may be removed only by the purchaser.

  • 经销商标价, 通常在额外的贴纸上, is the Monroney sticker price plus the suggested retail price of dealer-installed options, such as additional dealer markup (ADM) or additional dealer profit (ADP), 经销商准备和底漆.


如果你决定买车, 要知道融资是由经销商获得的, 即使经销商代表你联系贷款人, 可能不是你能得到的最好的交易. 直接联系贷款人. 信用合作社也可以和你讨论汽车贷款的选择. Compare the financing they offer you with the financing the dealer offers you. 因为报价各不相同, 货比三家,买最划算的, comparing the annual percentage rate (APR) 贷款期限. When negotiating to finance a car, be wary of focusing only on the monthly payment. The total amount you will pay depends on the price of the car you negotiate, 的4月, 贷款期限.

有时, dealers offer meager financing rates for specific cars or models but may not be willing to negotiate on the price of these cars. You may be required to make a sizeable down payment to qualify for the special rates. 在这些条件下, you may find it's sometimes more affordable to pay higher financing charges on a lower-priced car or buy a vehicle requiring a smaller down payment.

在你签署购买汽车的合同或贷款之前, consider the financing terms and evaluate whether it is affordable. 在你开车离开停车场之前, have a copy of the contract you and the dealer have signed, 确保所有的空白都填上了.

Some dealers and lenders may ask you to buy credit insurance to pay off your loan if you should die or become disabled. Before you buy credit insurance, consider the cost and whether it's worthwhile. Check your existing policies to avoid duplicating benefits.

联邦法律没有要求信用保险. If your dealer requires you to buy credit insurance for car financing, 它必须包含在信贷成本中. 也就是说,它必须反映在年利率上. Check with your state Insurance Commissioner or state consumer protection agency. Your state Attorney General may also have requirements about credit insurance.

在商讨下一辆新车的价格之前, 用这个工作表来建立议价空间. TIP: You can get the invoice price by reviewing the dealer's invoice or car publications.


Discuss the possibility of a trade-in only after you've negotiated the best possible price for your new car and after researching the value of your old car. Find out what your current vehicle is worth before you negotiate the purchase of a new car.

Check the National 汽车mobile Dealers Association's (NADA) Guides, Edmunds and Kelley Blue Book. This information may help you get a better price from the dealer. 虽然自己卖车可能需要更长的时间, 一般来说,你得到的钱会比你用它换掉得到的钱多.


买新车的时候, you can buy service contracts that cover the repair of specific parts or issues. 这些合同可能来自制造商, 经销商, 或者独立公司, and their coverage may or may not extend beyond the manufacturer's warranty. 记住,汽车的价格已经包括了保修期, 而服务契约则需要额外的成本.

Before deciding to purchase a service contract, read it carefully and consider these questions:

  • What's the difference between the coverage under the warranty and the service contract?
  • 经销商或制造商提供延长保修期吗?
  • 包括哪些维修?
  • 包括日常维护吗??
  • 谁支付劳动力? 的部分?
  • 谁来修理?? 可以在其他地方修理吗?
  • 服务合同的期限是多长?
  • 取消和退款政策是什么?